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30 August 2022

Cellulite after pregnancy? Get rid of it with the latest LPG Alliance Endermologie!

One of the ailments that most often appears after pregnancy is cellulite. Familiar to all women, orange peel is the result of both changes in body weight and hormonal disorders. They occur especially during a period such as the expectation of a child. In the past, the fight against cellulite seemed extremely arduous and difficult. Preparations available on the cosmetic market did not allow for a complete reduction of this affliction. Nowadays, thanks to the increasingly popular technologies of aesthetic medicine, you can easily get rid of unwanted orange peel. Find out how you’ll remove post-pregnancy cellulite with the latest LPG Alliance endermologie!

Cellulite – what are the causes of its occurrence?

The causes of cellulite can be many. It appears not only in pregnant women, but these women are particularly vulnerable to its occurrence. Orange peel can appear both in slim women and in ladies with more weight. In the case of cellulite that appears after pregnancy, the main factors for its occurrence: are rapid weight change, excessive accumulation of water in the body, as well as turbulent changes in hormonal balance.

How to prevent cellulite during pregnancy?

Instead of treating cellulite, it is best to prevent it. Some patients are much more susceptible to developing orange peel due to genetics. Pregnant women, due to weight gain and the changes that occur in their bodies, should be especially careful about the appearance of cellulite. First and foremost, physical activity and a proper diet are used in maintaining firm skin without imperfections. It is also important to take proper care of the skin on a regular basis – moisturizing and firming it. Specialized preparations and massages are excellent for this purpose.

Endermologie – an effective way to eliminate cellulite after pregnancy

If you have observed the presence of cellulite on your body after pregnancy, don’t worry! Thanks to modern, innovative technologies of aesthetic medicine, specialists are able to reduce orange peel almost completely. One of the treatments used to remove cellulite after pregnancy at our Beauty Skin clinic is LPG Alliance Endermologie for body contouring and comprehensive firming. Endermologie is very effective and can reduce even very extensive and deep lesions. Cellulite removal with endermologie is based on using the action of alternating pressure to stimulate cellular metabolism. The result is increased lipolysis, and (thanks to the use of a special massage roller) increased collagen production.

Safety of LPG Endermologie for women after pregnancy

Importantly, the endermologie procedure is non-invasive and does not require a recovery period, making it ideal for post-pregnancy women as well. Removing cellulite with endermologie is not only relaxing. It also helps to get rid of bothersome complexes related to the appearance of our body after pregnancy, which can take away the joy of motherhood for new mothers. The procedure takes only 20-40 minutes and should be repeated several times to achieve the desired results with it. Patients who want to get rid of the resulting cellulite with the help of endermologie, however, should remember that they can do so only after childbirth and lactation. With the initial consultation and exclusion of such contraindications, the endermologie procedure is completely safe and carries no risk of unwanted complications.

Learn more from our specialists about LPG Alliance Endermologie and set your sights on perfectly smooth skin without bothersome cellulite!

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