Do you have questions about laser epilation? We will try to answer them below. There are a lot of misunderstandings around this method, which we clarify in this post.
Different methods of laser epilation
Most people, when talking about different hair removal methods, have in mind the distinction between razors, shaving cream, laser epilation and waxing. Meanwhile, also among the various laser epilation methods, there are many types of treatment equipment. Unfortunately, the average customer is unable to distinguish between the efficacy offered by different lasers. Besides, there are different generations of equipment, and it also matters how the equipment has been operated, how old it is and who operates it. At Beauty Skin in Warsaw, we use:
- Vectus laser
- Motus laser,
- laser Thunder,
- GentleLase laser.
This allows you to match the method to the area and type of hair. You know you’re in good hands when you have so many different laser epilation methods to choose from. It is always worth asking for the name of the laser and checking its quality. However, can a customer who is not familiar with the technology make an assessment in this way?
It is always a good idea to ask about the laser epilation method and see the device before the procedure – you can then at least see if the staff is willing to share information. Beyond that, however, the customer must rely on the ratings of past users, as well as the overall impression of the office. Cleanliness, traffic, or even how long the practice has been in business, is not insignificant.
Does laser epilation hurt?
The question of whether laser epilation hurts is one of the most frequently asked in beauty salons. It is not a completely painless method, although it hurts less than leg or bikini waxing, not to mention electric epilators. Besides, it is worth taking into account individual factors – people whose skin pinches a lot from the cream and those who are very irritated by the razor may find laser epilation a less painful method. What can be done to make laser epilation hurt less?
- Use anesthetic cream if you are very afraid of pain. Remember, however, that the cream is available by prescription and that it reduces the effectiveness of the treatment.
- Do not go to the office during or just before your period,
- use cold compresses before and after treatment.
The price of laser epilation – much or little?
Most people count price among the downsides of laser epilation. However, they forget that the series of treatments is repeated only once, after which many of the expenses that must be incurred before the treatment, such as razors and shaving creams, go away. Also remember the lotions you need to apply to skin irritated by shaving. Some things cannot be converted into money, which does not mean that they have little meaning.
It’s about, for example, the emergency purchase of razors when you need to get rid of unwanted hair from all over your body at the last minute, the embarrassment and discomfort that comes with epilation on a camping trip or other random location. Finally, about the regret when, for such a trivial reason as unshaven legs, you have to give up a beloved activity, while others spontaneously jump into the lake or shed their sweaters and jackets in the spring. Taking all this into account, the price of laser epilation is not too exorbitant. In addition, you can hit favorable promotions when you pay up to half as much – details about Vectus laser hair removal.